OTHER: Howard Millman and Theo on bootlegging

Jon Jarrett jaj20 at HERMES.CAM.AC.UK
Mon Dec 4 09:28:05 EST 1995

        I don't have much of a stand on this: the few bootlegs I've heard
have always been such lousy quality that there's not much need for moral
agony over them. But, I must admit, I do have a policy of replacing my
pirate tapes, largely because I want the album sleeves and haven't got
the nerve just to go into Our Price and nick them... But I do reckon it's
a little bit dubious, when the record companies get so much of what your
average, non-superstar league, group makes, not to let them get some
token of your esteem.
        That said, it annoys me immensely when I buy a real tape ( not
yet being CD-equipped because of *MONEY* ) and then discover that I could
actually get a _better_ recording by pirating a friend's CD on a cheap
stereo. The company have got the masters, after all, and their equipment
has to be better than my next-door neigbour's: why can't they produce a
better quality tape than he can? Vexed of Cambridge,

          |    "So, Penfold, what did you think of Popacatepetl?"    |
          |       "Er, not yet chief, but I will as soon as we       |
          |                  get to the kitchen."                    |
          |Jonathan Jarrett ( History ) |    Ext. Tel. 01223 460728  |
          | ( Pembroke College,         |    Int. Tel. 32049         |
          |   Cambridge CB2 1RF ) or    |    E-MAIL:                 |
          |     2 Selwyn Gardens (7),   |    jaj20 at hermes.cam.ac.uk  |
          |       Cambridge CB2 1NG.    |                            |

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