BS: My Impressions of Mamakin Gig

Rich Hamel rhame at CTP.COM
Thu Dec 28 10:22:46 EST 1995

> Deb has a real Gracie Slick kind of stage persona and vocal style that I
> liked a lot.  She can rival Al on the drums too.  Al was everywhere on stage

Yes, this is EXACTLY how I was thinking of describing Deb, put couldn't
quite place the persona.

> The Cult Bros. are still alive and kicking.  Expect them to pop up in the FL
> area shortly (e.g., Orlando).  They will have a new young vocalist that is a
> knockout.   A must see.

What is their lineup right now?


! Rich Hamel                    ! Recall the dream of Luxor, how fluids will  !
! Cambridge Technology Partners ! arrive. As if by call or schedule, resume   !
! 304 Vassar St.                ! through the morning tide.                   !
! Cambridge, MA 02139           ! Where entry is by seaweed gate, and plan the!
! (617)-374-8266                ! plan of dreams. To lose oneself in reverb,  !
! rhame at                 ! know all that is, and all that seems.       !

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