Directory - Modified is Voluntary!

Tue Nov 14 19:32:00 EST 1995

Gee guys it was coffee ramblings on the lurker thing, don't take it
seriously..  But yes lets set the record straight, any information submitted
for the BOC-L directory is strictly voluntary.  If you choose not to submit
your real name age or e-mail address thats fine.  Choosing not to submit any
or all information will not invalidate or harm the directory in anyway.  As
the directory is being posted to BOC-L it is available to all subscribers
who can download attachments, lurkers and respondents alike.  It goes
without saying that anyone who has a copy of the directory should use its
contents in a responsible manner.  With that thought in mind please let me
know if you have any trouble accessing or receiving the attachments or are
otherwise limited to the types or formats of the attachments.  Not
technically well versed but if it can be accomplished in the Microsoft world
I can call on some additional resources that may be able to help.


BTW a couple of lurkers have provided information for the directory.  Alas
SS was not one of them.  <smile>.


>Those who chose not to divulge information for the directory, or those
>who chose to read BOC-L posts while posting none of their own do so of
>their own free will, and their reasons are no-one's business but their
>own.  I think everyone has been given the opportunity to either post
>to BOC-L or to send out their directory information.  I would suggest
>that this thread needs to go no further than that.

>On the other hand, those who wish their directory info be part of the
>directory should be sure to get it into Adrian so that it will be included.


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