Alien 4- Revisited

Scott Heller (617) 724-7762 HELLERS at A1.MGH.HARVARD.EDU
Wed Nov 22 21:55:00 EST 1995

       Hawkwind-Alien 4- An Opinion

            Well, I have now listened to the new HW several times. On a scale
       of 1 (Yuri Gagarin) to 10 (Warriors/Palace Springs) I give it a 6. My
       main complaint is the reliance on keyboard/synths as filler and
       atmosphere as opposed to actually writing songs. On this lp, it seems
       to be kind of a theme lp (Being abducted by and becoming an Alien and
       losing one's MIND???), but in the first 30 minutes there is only two
       guitar/rock songs; Alien and Xenomorph. Ok it picks up a bit at the
       end of Beam me Up.  Sputnick Stan is just a plain great song. I do
       prefer Allan's vocals to Ron's though. Kapal is a very cool
       instumental, probably my favorite on the lp. After that there are the
       retreads of Death Trap and Wastelands, which are ok. The Lp closes
       with Are you Losing your Mind?

            Well, I am curious what others in the US think now. Still better
       than a lot of music out there, but not up to what I think these guys
       can do. They need Carl to join their band and give a kick.......


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