HW: odds and sods

J Strobridge eset08 at CASTLE.ED.AC.UK
Mon Oct 2 13:17:08 EDT 1995

>      Whilst browsing through the Hawkwind selection of a local
>     record store I came across what I thought was the new album,
>     only to realise it was just a new cover for the Independant
>     Days compilation. What confused me was that the notes on the
>     back said it was compiled by someone called "Frenchy" in July
>     '95, but I thought Independant Days has been around for years.
>     Does anyone know anything about this?

There's a booklet inside that goes into details about this release - I
only scanned through it quickly but basically they've taken two tracks
out (because they are more related to Chronicle of the Black Sword) and
included everything else from Indep. 1 & 2 although all the tracks have
been completely re-ordered.   Haven't had a chance to see if the tracks
have been "cleaned up" in any way so I've no idea about this.
Hopefully not.

"Frenchy" is involved in Cherry Red records and Flicknife I think?
So it'll be an official re-issue.



J.D.Strobridge at ed.ac.uk                         eset08 at castle.ed.ac.uk
                                                ELIJSA at srv0.arts.ed.ac.uk

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