Live Chronicles CDs

Thu Oct 5 00:55:00 EDT 1995

A(Buck Dharma)B,

>I'd be willing to get you the 2 CD set and send it to you, if you like.
>recommend the 2 CD set over the single one.  What I can't figure is if it
>in the player, why do you need a copy (borrowed?).  I'm proselytizing
>of the Chronicles sect of the Church of Hawkwind and must spread the word.
 >The studio _Chronicles of the Black Sword_ makes a good companion because
>it shows the strength of Hawkwind live as well as the polish of the studio.

>Since I don't get the digest and don't have an address for you, e-mail me
>you're interested (rudich at
   ( )--(a)
   (@=@=) \     Rudy the ferret mage
   O__)  \ \___
      \   \      (Ever watchful for Hawks from above & beyond)
      /\ * )  \

Ooops the curse of late night posting.  Did I say I wanted to cop the disk?
 Sorry I bought HW Live Chronicles as an introduction to HW.  Was midly
suprised by their sound; they are nothing like I envisioned.  I'm really
impressed, I could almost imagine what was happening on the stage song by
song.  Now if only someone would provide financial backing to either BOC or
the Brain Surgeons to do a similar production for Imaginos.  Rudy can you
recommend any other Live HW to listen to?  Chronicles was basically an
accident.  I had seen multiple copies of at least 8 HW cd's at my Best Buy a
few months ago.  Late last week there were two live cd's, Chronicles and one
other which I believe may have had Nik Turner in the band at the time.  When
I returned to buy it someone else had scarffed it up so I settled for
Chronicles.  Also anybody have an   opionion on Lemmy & Motorhead?
 Organmastron(?) and a live cd are available, which would be best?


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