Live Chronicles CDs

Dave Berry daveb at HARLEQUIN.CO.UK
Thu Oct 5 11:35:31 EDT 1995

> Was mildly suprised by their sound; they are nothing like I envisioned.

Don't keep us in suspense -- what were you expecting, and what surprised
you most?

> Rudy can you recommend any other Live HW to listen to?

The Space Ritual, for early excellence.  Palace Springs for a more recent,
more polished, and excellent sound.  I really like California Brainstorm
from the same period, but other people aren't so keen (and the sound isn't
so good).  Live '79 for a metal(-ish) version of Hawkwind, plus Tim Blake's
excellent synth playing.   The Business Trip for what they sound like now --
more keyboard work, slightly less guitar.

> Also anybody have an   opionion on Lemmy & Motorhead?
> Organmastron(?) and a live cd are available, which would be best?

If the live CD is No Sleep Till Hammersmith, then get it.  It's the only
Motorhead I still own, and it's got everything you need.


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