Hawkwind losing steam?

Andrew Gilham emphyrio at CIX.COMPULINK.CO.UK
Tue Sep 12 12:10:00 EDT 1995

In-Reply-To: <199509112344.SAA17142 at konza.flinthills.com>

Terry asks:

> Has there ever been such an album? :-) (Actually, forget the :-), and
> the first album obviously doesn't count. Have there been any albums
> with no recycled tracks? How many? I'm guessing after the first 2 or
> three, there're probably none at all.)

I think it just seems like that! :)

It didn't really start until _Sonic Attack_ (live albums are a different
kettle of fish).  But it rapidly got to the stage where on hearing
_Chronicle of the Black Sword_, I thought, well, it might be crap, but at
least it's *new* crap...

(To be fair, I quite like "Sleep of a Thousand Tears", but although some
of the songs promise ULTIMATE BLANGA with their opening riff - "Song of
the Swords" and "Needle Gun" in particular - they lose their way about
ten seconds later.  IMO.)

- Andy

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