BOC: Guitar Magazine Article

Matt Thompson thompsom at OSOFT_NT.BUCKHEAD.COM
Thu Sep 14 14:24:00 EDT 1995

>Did anyone see the BOC article in the Sept. issue of Guitar Magazine?

Yeah that was great although I was hoping they would have a longer write up
since their picture was first.  It's worth while always checking out the
different guitar magazines as BOC occasionally pops up.  Also worth checking
out is Guitar Shop magazine.  Buck is a regular contributor, mostly
reviewing high-end signal processing equipment.  It's probably pretty dry
for a non-musician but it's cool getting a whole page worth of words of
 wisdom from the man!

I always make it a habit of at least skimming all the music mags at my
newstand looking for BOC stuff.  Every once in a while you find some gems.
 Seven years ago Modern Drummer had a great article on Al written by Deb!

Does anyone remember Buck's Guitar Secrets column for Guitar for the
Practicing Musician in the mid 80s?

Matt Thompson
thompsom at

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