HW: Coleman has questions (fwd)

Le Monsieur Damon dcapehar at UTDALLAS.EDU
Tue Apr 9 14:54:45 EDT 1996

Jill wanted me to forward this:

Damon Capehart          | "Snot is running down his nose."
dcapehar at utdallas.edu   |   - Ian Anderson, Jethro Tull

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 9 Apr 96 17:54:14 BST
From: J Strobridge <eset08 at tattoo.ed.ac.uk>
To: dcapehar at utdallas.edu
Subject: Re: HW: Coleman has questions

Hi Damon

Please excuse this personal message but the Management here have been
renaming all the mainframes and transferring files so Listserv has cut
off my access to the boc-l list for the moment  8-(

Le Monsieur Damon writes:
> Mike Coleman has been busy as heck this week, what with the remasters and
> plenty of other stuff.  However, he has questions about 2 things:
> 1) This is the first time Mike has heard of this, apparently from a guy
> in Finland, but supposedly there is a 10" called "Shot Down In the DARK".
> does anybody here have *any* idea what this is?

Don't know anything about the above but....

> 2) "Cosmic Jokers" (NOT the band of the same name!) - Rumors about this
> U.S. boot have been circulating for quite some time.  Apparently it has
> songs from a number of different bands, one of which is Hawkwind; but
> nobody who has heard of it seems to have a clue what the track listing
> is and how to get the LP.  Anything specific would be appreciated both by
> myself and of course by Mike Coleman.

I think this might be Cosmic Travellers which is an official release from
the Cherry Red Anagram Label  (CDM GRAM 105).   I'd heard about it but only
just found a copy today so there should be more around soon.  It's another
Friends and Relations compilation:   Tracklist is:

Pressurehed "The Right Stuff",  Underground Zero "Between worlds",
Hawkwind "We Do It",  Anubian Lights "Grid Coordinate - Vorp One",
Hawklords "Time Of",  Melting Euphoria "Venusian Skyline",  Helios Creed
"The Master",  Spiral Realms "A Trip to G9",  Dark Matter "Seeing
Strange Lights",  The Brain "Pre-Cambrian Shuffle", Zero Gravity "Space
Does Not Care".

Hope this is helpful.

But even if it's not what Mike Coleman is looking for could you mail
a copy to the boc-l list for me to keep them up to date on new releases!

Many thanks!


J.D.Strobridge at ed.ac.uk                         eset08 at tattoo.ed.ac.uk
                                                ELIJSA at srv0.arts.ed.ac.uk

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