
Wed Apr 17 11:06:50 EDT 1996

Manuel Says

> From what E. Bloom says, there will be some more festival type shows
> with other classic rock bands from the 70's/early 8o's this summer.
> Stay tuned....
> Manuel
Maybe this is the way for the Oysters to go.  A couple years ago I
went to an outdoor show called 'Southern Spirit,' which featured
rebel rock bands in relative decline:  Outlaws, .38 Special, Marshall
Tucker and a couple of others.  They all absolutely kicked ass.  It's
unexplainable to me why all these great bands are now residing in
Spinal Tap's "where are they now file" along with BOC, but for
whatever reason, there they are.  Anyway, this impresses me as an
ideal forum for a band like BOC.  There were lots of youong people at
this show, but really, the fans spanned the entire spectrum of the
rock audience.  Also, it's a relatively high-profile show which
should be great for the band's (I assume) slumping self esteem as
well.  Best of all, the show I saw was at a big outdoor grandstand,
and I'd estimate at least 5000 showed up.  A summer of shows like
this, at which the BOC would likely slaughter all the other bands,
esp. any dumb enough to want to play after them, might catch the eye
of some label goomers.  [I hope this sycophantic diatribe doesn't
offend the redoubtable mr reyes too much!]

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