BRAIN: Live Release Time

Rudich, Robert A Rudich at VOLPE2.DOT.GOV
Thu Apr 18 10:59:00 EDT 1996

>I dunno how Al and Deb judge these things, but I'd say that 3 studio
>albums is about the right number before a live one, eh?  ;-)  I mean,
>they already have enough good concert material that every show has
>to leave a lot of great tunes out for lack of time...

Steve, I couldn't agree with you more.   I caught them live before I really
gave the CDs a good listen (did play CoC tape several times before the
show).   There were some aspects lost listening to the discs, but I couldn't
fully define them.   You may have helped point out a good one.   Considering
the hue and cry for them to get out to different areas that they don't now
reach, this could be a good way to partially satisfy that desire (and leave
them wanting more at the same time).   Even a couple live songs on tape like
CoC as a special might be a kewl offer.

>And to top it off, I personally think that it's about high time to
>drop the BOC tunes that they finish every show with.  They're pushing
>out Brain Surgeons tunes that I'd rather hear than *another* "Red and
>the Black".

I have to agree with this too, as far as the standard BOC tunes (not the
never performed ones).   Things like "Stones in my Passway" would be a great
swap with TR&TB.   I'd also like to see Billy And Peter cut loose a little
more.   However, the BS version of "Career of Evil" beats the original hands
down.  So every rule has its exceptions.

Is the contemplated late Spring tour just being delayed until the Summer

Only 1 surgical notch in my brain, but I want MORE.

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