BOC: Guitarists and Spectres

John A Swartz jswartz at MBUNIX.MITRE.ORG
Tue Dec 10 09:44:24 EST 1996

>> And of course, Spectres has one major knock on it - the much-criticized-on-
> BOC-L-song, "Debbie Denise"

>You know, for a FAQ maintainer, you're not very detail oriented.  ;-)
Debbie Denise is a strike against _AoF_, not _Spectres_.  You do
take time out from adding new novelettes to the FAQ to listen
your BOC albums, don't you, John?  ;-)

Ah shit - ya caught me, Steve.  Got my wires crossed there.  That's
what I get for postin' so many damn opinions of mine here on BOC-L.
But, I won't apologize for fear someone'll flame me for bein'
apologetic! ;-)  <-- but I'm still not adverse to usin' smiley's ;-)

>That said, I'd take DD over Lonely Teardrops, True Confessions, or
Mirrors any day.

Maybe over Mirrors or Lonely Teardrips, but I'll take True Confessions
over Debbie Denise -- and I'll try and remember that their on the
same album!


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