HW: Griffin WotEoT wierdness

Johan Edlundh hawkjoe at EKA.ERICSSON.SE
Tue Dec 10 15:17:18 EST 1996

>A couple of months ago, I got the Griffin _Warrior on the Edge of Time_
>CD for Kollector's sake, but already having the Dojo version, I didn't
>bother to listen to it until last night.  I don't know what the heck is
>on it, but it sure ain't Hawkwind!  Has this happened to anyone else?
>Also, I got it by mail-order, and it's probably too late and too much
>trouble to try to explain what happened and return it.  Does anyone know
>if Griffin will exchange it?
>                                Mike

You seem to have a copy of the Pendragon's "The World"

A bulk of the Griffin WotEoT were improperly mixed with the Pendragon CD.
The "Warrior" jewel case had a Pendragon CD in it, and reverse.

As far as I understand this CD was printed with a WotEoT image - you may
confirm this?

I would gladly trade this misprint against another CD - contact me privately
if you want to get rid of it :0)


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