I'd Like to See You in Black

Sharon Janet Buczko sjb20 at CORNELL.EDU
Fri Feb 9 18:42:57 EST 1996

On Fri, 9 Feb 1996, Ted O. Jackson wrote:

> >
> >
> >         ...and am I the only one who still doesn't like the remake of
> > "Astronomy" on _Imaginos_?  *gak*  I shut off the CD player during it
> > the first time it was playing.

        I have always called it "The Astronomy dance mix" It's different
and I didn't like it at first but it grew on me.

> > I came here willingly
> > And I will go down valiantly
> > "The Golden Age of Leather"
> Exactly what do you mean by 'go down,' and how can one tell if it's

        I interpreted it to mean "die". They're dying valienlty because
they are all dying an a fight with each other. I thought dying cowardly would
mean either passively waiting for death or letting someone kill you
without fighting back.

        Behind closed eyes realize your sight
                        Sharon   (sjb20 at cornell.edu, sharon at abs-hq.net)

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