Just to get a few things off my chest

Wed Feb 14 02:26:03 EST 1996

On Tue, 13 Feb 1996, John A Swartz wrote:

> To say music is "good", "bad", "kicks ass", "sucks", etc. is a matter
> of opinion.  I'm not against opinions, but you need more to make them
> something to discuss -- WHY do you think something's good or bad?  Hey,
> if I ask for opinions on this list on some music (say, to decide if I
> want to buy it), I need more than just a few people saying "It's great"
> or "It sucks" -- those statements don't tell me anything, and 2 different
> people could each give me opposite responses.

A look at Usenet groups like alt.music.alternative will point up how
useless it is to say that a given song/band/album "sucks" or "kicks
ass".  There are people there arguing back and forth ENDLESSLY about
whether Alanis Morisette "sucks" or "kicks ass".  Are they accomplishing
anything?  Are they convincing anyone?  Nope.

The point is, whether it's true that there is no "good" or "bad" music,
or whether it's all relativistic hogwash, there comes a point at which
people must agree to disagree and chalk it up to different tastes.
Otherwise, they'll run around and around in circles debating it forever.


Club Ninja is "not so good"
Alanis is overhyped and shrill
"Flaming Telepaths" is the perfect BOC song

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