Astronomy Video

Rich Hamel RHamel4129 at AOL.COM
Sun Feb 18 20:29:28 EST 1996

Hi Everyone,

Wanted to follow up on the post about the Astronomy video.
actually I have it on tape (twice). It's purely conceptual, but
captures the Imaginos feel very well. The band is not in it.

In fact, the first tape I have is from MTV England where
Buck, Eric, and Johnny are being interviewed. There is
a brief reference to the Al-BOC conflict about the album,
then someone mentions that this will be the first time the
band sees the video, which tells you how much they had to
do with it. After it's done, they all look sort of befuddled.
Johhny has the best line: "I think we should use that video
for all our songs"!


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