HW :seeing how the other half lives

Jon Browne Jon at COMICS.DEMON.CO.UK
Thu Feb 29 08:55:53 EST 1996

(In reply to your message dated Wednesday 28, February 1996)

Although Space Ritual is great, it's not the first album I'd play to new
listeners. I'm not sure even Palace Springs would grab the uninitiated but it
seems to be BOC-L's fave Hawk LP so.....

My 2 cents worth is/are

Electric Tepee (fairly recent studio effort)
Warrior On The Edge Of Time (Vintage Studio, last "classic" line-up)
Live Chronicles (Live, good all-rounder, has "Rocky Paths on it, so it must be a
Xenon Codex (another recent studio, seems to be overlooked round here, excellent
Alien 4 (if you ever get a US release, this years release is a superb return to
form after the unfocused Business of the Future, and is up there with the best
they've ever done.)

Does anyone really think a 20 minute Brainstorm or Born To Go would appeal to a
'90's listener as their first introduction to the band?

Jon Browne                     They Walk Among Us.
25 years of social reform,
    ain't gonna make me change or make me conform.

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