A view on the state of BOC

Wed Jan 10 23:09:31 EST 1996

I forward some messages regarding BOC from this group to a friend of mine
who has yet to subscribe (the mail volume is prohibitive right now).

Here is a message he sent me regarding some of the current thoughts on
BOC and their status as a band as he sees it.

Date: Fri, 5 Jan 1996 11:16:39 +0001 (EST)
Subject: Re: BOC
To: E F <des at ritz.mordor.com>

Pretty interesting-
It's truely amazing the volume of speculation that was generated by this
(relatively) small band from oyster bay long island (is that right?).
And the fact that people like this fellow STILL continue to "beat a dead
horse" so to speak.
I love BOC, but until they come out with something NEW (and of merit) I
will "back burner" them. They are regarded by some within the industry as
"greasy kid stuff". I think part of the problem is that songs about
mysticism tend to become trite over time and their listening audience,
composed of teenage white males, have LARGELY grown up, and now are
buying steely-dan albums and drinking chardonnay. Quite a problem,
encountered by MANY a band over the years.
I think they need to write some GROWN up material - Imaginos was a good
attempt and it actually captured some of the might, majesty, and mystery
of the earlier BOC albums. Unfortunately - NO SINGLE, and the album
disappeared quickly (It DID however hit the charts when it debuted, but
quickly disappeared without a radio hit).
I'm not asking for a Matthew Sweet album, I just don't want any of this
"ROck til you drop" songs that are so FUNNY when these old geezers do it
live! Get a grip guys! Your NOT 18!!! (Though they are the same height
as 18 year olds).
The "formulaic" songs of the 70s that made them big, will not work in the
90s (thank god), the formula has changed. Their competitors are NOT QUiet
Riot and Twisted Sister and FLock of Seagulls. Their competition are
(majority of) very BROAD audience bands, bands that appeal to MANY
different demographic groups. This makes a comeback all the more
difficult, especially if they write things like "Still Burnin'".

So until transformations become too hard to find -
and Buck gets lifts-


I've chosen not to edit any of this (and I think I'm going to pay for
that "lifts" comment ;-)

Well, back to sheltering myself from winter by listening to my newly
purchased used Pioneer PL-250 turntable ($2.00 at a Flea Market!) and my
Spirit albums.


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