Imaginos post mortem

joel wendrow kronos7 at IX.NETCOM.COM
Wed Jan 24 18:37:09 EST 1996

You wrote:
>> Actually, Albert wasn't even treated as well as a hired hand-- they
>> paid him.
>That's pretty disgusting.  Who is to blame for this?  If it was
>management, I'd understand.  But even so, I can't believe the rest of
>the band would be so crude to a person who contributed so much to the
>band over the years--to say nothing of Imaginos.  Hell, Imaginos
>sounds like an Albert solo album to me; his contributions to it were
>that apparent.  It just goes to show you that you shouldn't get to
>know too much about your heroes, for they'll often disappoint you by
>acting like regular mortals.  If the band knew Albert was being
>shafted, they should have stood up and done the right thing.  This is
>very depressing...
I hope all is well. Sorry but I just couldn't help but reply to this
line of reasoning. You weren't there when these things happened (nor I)
and therfore couldn't possibly know what circumstances led to the final

My point is if you weren't there you don't know the facts so you
shouldn't be bashing people or events you know nothing about. No
offence intended. Open forum and all that.....


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