HW: Purchases

Damon C Capehart dcapehar at UTDALLAS.EDU
Fri Jul 5 00:05:46 EDT 1996

Today, Independence Day, I called RPM Records and found out that they
were open, despite the holiday, so I took a trip to see what was new. As
it turns out, I could not wait any longer and succumbed to the temptation
of buying ALLIEENN 4 at the full US$25.  *sigh* It's pretty good, though
It'll take a bit for me to get into it.
So my purchases were:

HW: _ALLIEENN_4_ [*jewel-case*, BTW]
HW: _Do_Not_Panic_ [finally... I think it's absolutely awesome... also
                    one of the best versions of "Levitation" I've heard
                    yet.  It's also the first time I've *ever* heard "Psy
                    Power".  I think it's among my top 5 Hawktunes
                    already. :) ]
California Guitar Trio: _Yamanashi_Blues_

$60 for 3 CDs... I think I'll be going to Best Buy all the time now. :)

Damon Capehart        | "I think we should eliminate semicolons from the
aka Le Monsieur       |  English language; nobody uses them anymore
dcapehar at utdallas.edu |  anyway." - one of Dilbert's anonymous coworkers

ObAlmostBought: Torn/Karn?/Bozzio _Polytown_, Orbital _In_Sides_

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