HW: U.S. Tour, VENUES (Dallas)

Chris Bates C.D.Bates at SHEFFIELD.AC.UK
Wed Jul 17 05:42:19 EDT 1996

Jerry wrote:

> them out for you? I know I saw a TV story about a minvan that drove itself
> (I think using GIS data). It travelled one or two thousand miles -
> tho it only went 45MPH or so and stuck mainly to Interstate type roads (I
> think it had a problem with the way some offramps were designed).

Hmmm... time for some corporate advertising methinks :-)

Daimler Benz developed a transputer-based system (OSCAR) which they
claim has successfully travelled up and down various autobahns. Some
information can be found from our (frame-based, sorry!) web site at


follow the links to *An Introduction to Parallel Processing with
Transputers*. Please feel free to look around the rest of the site
and contact us if you need cheap  high quality parallel programmers
or consultants :-))

Chris Bates
Researcher - Parallel Database Systems
National Transputer Support Centre
University of Sheffield, U.K.

phone: (0114) 282 5272
email: c.d.bates at sheffield.ac.uk

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