HW covers: Dumpy

Chris Bates C.D.Bates at SHEFFIELD.AC.UK
Fri Jul 19 06:02:00 EDT 1996

Christian wrote:

> Also, Dumpy's Rusty Nuts: who the hell are these guys?? I vaguely
> remember (ick) NME or (ick) Melody Maker making a joke about them being
> the second worst band in the world next to Bum Gravy (whoever they may
> be) years ago, and I've seen their name on those sleazy cheapo Heavy
> Metal compilation box sets.

DRN are yer classic Brit metal/biker band really. They play
at lots of biker gatherings and are great fun in a sort of
totally unsubtle way. Their music is head-down-legs-spread
boogie. Oh, and Dumpy himself is one of those people for whom
the phrase *diamond geezer* was invented.


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