BOC: Goldmine/UK

M R Godwin hssmrg at BATH.AC.UK
Fri Jun 7 09:26:18 EDT 1996

On Fri, 7 Jun 1996, Hardman DK wrote:

> Interestingly, I see the Goldmine article cites as the
> cause of discontent with Albert the fact that he starting going to gigs
> with his girlfriend separate from the rest of the band.

MG replies: I had certainly heard a rumour that Albert left because the
other guys' wives did not approve of him dumping his wife and shacking up
with a younger woman, Yoko-style.

> One particular BOC-Tap connection: I always liked the similarity between
> the gothicky-type script on the cover of OYFOOYK and on Spinal Tap - and
> Spinal Tap also used an umlaut!!

MG replies: I think BOC did it first as part of their teuton-rock chic.
"Our symbol is a swastika substitute" - I can't remember who said that, or
when, but somebody did.

> Another BOC-tap connection: Is Imaginos the BOC equivalent of Jazz
> Odyssey?

MG responds: Of course not, it's "Saucy Jack (you're a naughty one)" the
rock opera about Jack the Ripper that never got written...

> I have to confess I'd noticed some time back the connection between the
> dialogue in Spinal Tap and what Eric B said, but just couldn't bring
> myself to point out the connection between my fav band and "the Tap"!
Me too!

- Mike Godwin

"I could open a chapeau shop. 'What size?' I'd ask them, and they'd tell
me, and then I'd say 'Yes, we've got than size in stock'..."

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