HW boring ?...

Martyn Lawrence martynl at FUJITSU.COM.AU
Fri Jun 14 10:38:38 EDT 1996

> > M Holmes writes:
> There's a video of this somewhere but basically they had 16 TV screens
> behind the band in a 4x4 array. Sometimes they showed the same picture
> on each (space piccies, Stonehenge etc) and sometimes a composite across
> the 16 screens. The rest of the set was done up like the bridge of a
> starship with 4 supplementary screens at various positions. IMHO this
> was very effective and I remember this as one of the best of the 60 or
> so gigs I've seen.
> FoFP

Yep it was very visual,I remember wondering how they got the effect of the
band playing on a bridge,and was really amazed at how the backdrop was painted
to give the illusion of distance.THe tv screens would also show pics of the
band live,whether they were recorded or live I dont know.The band came on to
a tape of the outer limits playing,and then launched into choose your masks.
This was the first time that I saw NIk appear with them,and he came out towards
the end of Coded Languages.
The video that was released from the tour wasn't very easy to watch,as the band
aren't picked out that well ,IMHO.
However I really like the synth jam track thats on it ,from memory after Utopia,
and the most memorable moment of the tour -the introduction of Ghost Dance.
The first time I heard it ,I thought what the F*** are they doing,only a year
later to really enjoy it,and at Dunstable 3 of us did an impromptu Ghost Dance
for about 5 mins before the band came on,only for them to start with it,
We were bloody knackered.


Marty (ooh - Ha )Lawrence

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