HW: The Quest for Levitation

Alex S. Garcia artefact at IMAGINET.FR
Fri Jun 14 14:42:45 EDT 1996

Keith humours me :

>> I liked the books, and I love BOC's "Black blade". I don't like Elric's face
>> on the cover,
>Note that there are already several different covers to this CD....mine looks
>like original LP sleeve...lots of very dark blues and violets.  Your's sounds
>like the most recent Griffin release.

Yep. So it seems. I just checked the copyright, it reads :

        Made in Canada (c) Griffin Music 1994
        Licensed from Hawkdiscs

>> but the rest of the artwork is magnificent, and not only on
>> the outside, the inner sleeve is also great. Anyway, I did hesitate a while
>> because (if I recall correctly) no one had recommended this one to me,
>Well, that's because people are afraid to have this topic resurface on boc-l.
>There are those who believe this was their best work, and those who think it's
>total rubbish.  Some people think the lyrics are completely atrocious, and I
>believe (not paying any attention to the lyrics whatsoever), that's it's just
>not a particularly good album because the songs aren't very strong (I only
>really like Sleep of a thousand tears), although I like the 'flow' of the
>album, and the overall work is greater than the sum of its parts.

Hmmm... so there are more similarities between "Imaginos" and "Chronicle of
the Black Sword" then one could think... I guess that must be why I had that
gut feeling ;-)

>I think Levitation is absolutely brilliant.....Motorway City is my
>favourite HW track, although somedays I'll answer with 'Assault & Battery/The
>Golden Void' from 'Warrior'.  Surprised you didn't notice this one

Well, I was sitting in the library with headphones on and the librarian kept
the album's sleeve, so I have no idea which songs I've listened to (all I
know is that it was side A of the vinyl and that there were 4 tracks). I did
take a peek at the cover before I left, but the titles were a bit too
lengthy for me to remember... And as I've said, the track I liked best -
among those 4 - was the last one, the instrumental.

>Levitation still awaits you...and Quark, and Warrior, and you'll be surprised
>how different something like Space Ritual sounds compared to *any* of these
>others..... :)

While we speak of "Levitation"... I'd like to buy that one, but I have this
little dilemma. I sure as hell don't want to buy it on vinyl (not at *that*
price anyway ! that's theft...), but that shop I mentioned which can order
it for me told me about two versions. He didn't have much detail, but my
guess is one (the cheapest) must be the original release while the second
probably is the recent remaster. The cheapest one would cost (once converted
to US dollars) around $14, while the other one is $20... So my question is :
is the remaster really worth paying 6 bucks more ?

>> P.S.
>> One question : why is there a song called "Needle gun" ? I don't recall
>> reading about a needle gun (or any kind of gun, for that matter) anywhere in
>> Elric's Cycle... is my memory failing me ? :-(
>Well, that would be Jerry Cornelius' weapon of choice...one of the other
>'aspects' of the Eternal Champion that Moorcock wrote about...part of Elric in
>a way, but a different time and place.......see, you need to read 'books' to
>get the whole story, lyrics can't answer all these questions.......ha! :)

*LOL* Aaaawwwriiiight. You got me on that one ! *grin* But hey, I haven't
had time yet to read ALL the Eternal Champion books (only gone through
Elric's, actually)... I'm a busy man, you know ;-) Lyrics are quicker to
read, though, so YOU have no excuse ! *grin*

Alex S. Garcia.

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