HW: Update: US Covers

Allan T Grohe Jr iscladoc at FALCON.CC.UKANS.EDU
Fri Jun 14 16:10:19 EDT 1996

Hi all,

Cover set production continues this week.  I mailed out sets to Karl
Hiller, Doug Bates, John McIntyre, Randy Abeck, and Keith Henderson on
Monday 6/10.  Today I mailed to Mike McCollum, Jeff Riedle, Jerry Guizar,
Ron Jennings, and Chris Boxley.  More to follow on Monday if all goes
well over the weekend.

Do please let me know when you recieve the sets (Karl already mentioned
it to me).  They were all going priority mail, so you should have them/be
getting them soon.


Allan T. Grohe, Jr.                     RPG Writer/Reviewer.  Outer God.
iscladoc at falcon.cc.ukans.edu            Nomad of the Time Streams.  Poet.

Visit the Dreaming City: http://falcon.cc.ukans.edu/~iscladoc/imrryr.html

        "Farewell, friend.  I was a thousand times more evil than thou."
                        - Michael Moorcock, _Stormbringer_

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