HW: first song (was 32 tracks)

Wed Jun 19 15:03:47 EDT 1996

On 17-JUN-1996 16:28:52.4 BOC-L said to HERBERT119
   >Andrew said...
   >> >Let me clarify that I was joking about "Good Morning" and "Zone",
   >as those
   >> >are tracks frequently slagged by HW fans here. I guess the song
   >most likel y
   >> >to be heard first would be "Silver Machine", which, in most forms,
   >shouldn 't
   >> >make too bad an impression.
   >> Well, I suppose we could start a slew of "first song heard" messages.
   >> ("Lord of Light" was the first HW song I ever heard, it made an
   >instant > convert....)
   >Mine was 'Quark, Strangeness, and Charm' in 1980, and although that
   >particula r
   >song wasn't really the one that instantly converted me to Hawkwindism,
   >the album as a whole made me go out and buy 'Space Ritual'.  I was
   >surprised at h ow
   >different it was, but then I loved that one just as much (or more).
   >What finally sealed it was getting 'Levitation' on tape next, and
   >listening to it virtually every night (on headphones, of course) for
   >about six months.  Funny
   >thing is, these first three albums I got are three of my current four
   >favourites (the other being 'Warrior').
   >I wouldn't think 'Silver Machine' would be the track of choice for a new
   >listener, although it is certainly the most known.  I think LoL would be
   >better, actually,

Yes, the SR live version in partic. You can choose to listen to whatever
aspect anytime. Lemmy's bass noodling, Dave's wah-wahing guitar in the
middle, Dik (or Del's?) electronic sprinkling... A lot of everything there.

`[1;31;47mRainbow V 1.19.4 for Delphi - Test Drive

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