HW: About last night..

Jon Browne jon at COMICS.DEMON.CO.UK
Sat Jun 22 06:23:32 EDT 1996

Mornin' all!

Aren't you up yet! I got back from Brixton about 6 this morning (left
the gig about 5.30a.m.) , kissed the kids and went straight to work. It
was really terrific meeting you guys, I really had a great time. It's
been a year or two since I drank a whole gallon of beer <grin>, I hope I
wasn't too over-friendly. I know I spent most of the Ozrics shouting in
Bill's ear, (sorry, Bill ;))

The Hawks were pretty good too! I'm _starting_ to get used to Ron a bit,
and it was good to see them do PSI Power and Steppenwolf. To be honest,
I can't remember half the songs they did, erm, wonder why? Anyone taking

Oh man, it's taken me 40 minutes and two cups of coffee to write the
above. I feel like a 286 this morning. ;)
Jon Browne

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