The Cyberspace Interviews [via LSMTP - see]

Chris Bates C.D.Bates at SHEFFIELD.AC.UK
Mon Jun 24 10:18:23 EDT 1996

Carl wrote:

>         Should the list consider getting together a bunch of questions
> so we can submit them with a minimum of repetition?

Good idea. Well volunteered that man.

Here's mine. Please sir, can we have some more humans on stage playing real
instruments. Please. Oh and replace some of the sequencing with improvisation,
which is the same question really I guess.

Actually I'm sure HW are one of those bands, probably the only one, whose
work schedule would allow for semi-pro members. Lots of people could've
taken a few weeks holiday to join 'em on this tour, many HW fans would die
for the chance to play, and would only want to be fed and watered in
return. Just (barely) a thought.


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