The Cyberspace Interviews [via LSMTP - see]

Stephen Swann swann at MINDVOX.COM
Mon Jun 24 16:55:08 EDT 1996

M Holmes writes:
> Stephen Swann writes:
> > M Holmes writes:
> > >
> > > Maybe if we *all* ask for a long version of "Where Are They Now?" on the
> > > next album....
> >
> > (1) I second the motion above.
> > (2) "Will we be seeing the Weird Tapes on Cd anytime soon?"
> > (3) "Will any more of the back catalog be remastered?"
> > (4) "Has Dave found his guitar yet?  Will he please keep looking?"
> I think Dave Berry is right though: I guess we don't want to overdo the
> fanboy stuff and have Dave retreating to the Internet version of
> backstage.

#4 was meant for BOC-L consumption only, as I'm sure the various
snippy comments on the subject by other people were.  :-) I think
there's at least a majority consensus that we'd like Dave to unpack
the guitar again, but "nagging" him about it is far from our minds,
I'm sure.

Nagging Al and Deb is different, of course, because they're BOC-L
subscribers, which means they've signed up for the punishment.  :)

swann at

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