OFF! duct-tape

Craig Shipley craigs at PYRAMID.COM
Wed Nov 13 13:33:46 EST 1996

Uhhh, duct tape is like the Force; it has a dark side and a shiny side and it holds the universe together....

Np: It Is The Business Of The Future To Be Held Together By Duct Tape.

Craig Shipley
craig at

From:   Andrew A. Apold[SMTP:mordru at MAGG.NET]
Sent:   Wednesday, November 13, 1996 12:42 PM
To:     Multiple recipients of list BOC-L
Subject:        OFF! - trying to drag scotch tape on-topic

>On Tue, 12 Nov 1996, Carl Edlund Anderson wrote:

>P.S. I can think of no way to drag this on-topic bar that I'm sure there
>must have been some Scotch tape in the medical bag of Uncle Bob's Flying

I think I heard you can use scotch tape to patch scratches on CDs...

Since listmembers around the world have different kinds of scotch/sello
tape, anyone interested in setting up a tape tree?  You people send a small
pine tree cutout card to me, I'll put some tape on it and send it to three
others, who'll
add tape to it, and so on until we have a nifty tape tree we can use for

hmmmmm... no, I guess it is impossible to drag this on-topic.... unless we
use duct tape, which can accomplish anything.  For example, if Captain
Lockheed had had duct tape aboard his ship, he wouldn't have had to
eject and instead could have patched it together avoiding ejection.

at the first signs of sonic attack, use duct tape, not scotch tape over your
do not distrubute this tape to others, think only of yourself...

The silver machine was silver because it was held together with duct tape.

Heavy duct tape:  comes in black and silver
what do you think, sirs?
Andrew A. Apold, aka                        "I was corrupt before I had power!"
Roger Shrubstaff                                 - Random
Barony of Silverwater
Kingdom of the Burning Lands

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