OFF: Tentacles of the Ozric variety sort of

Mike Parkington mdp at TADPOLE.CO.UK
Thu Nov 28 03:45:15 EST 1996


I have only one Ozrics CD, Arborescense. I have enjoyed listening to this
many a time. I have been advised that "that's not real Ozrics material,
it's crap" but I would advise anyone who is into HW and the like to give it
a listen. I have listened to a variety of their other albums but this one
suits my taste the best. I would also advise listening to Senser's album
"Stacked Up" as this is totally unlike HW or BOC or Ozrics etc. In all
likelyhood you will hate it (I did) for about the first 5 or 6 plays. Then
one day, as if by magic, it suddenly becomes amazingly good. Strange but

Mike P.

From:   Max Wilcox[SMTP:s333271 at STUDENT.UQ.EDU.AU]
Sent:   Wednesday, November 27, 1996 09:31
To:     Multiple recipients of list BOC-L
Subject:        OFF: Tentacles of the Ozric variety

I just got a hold of the Cleopatra compilation: "Space Daze" and I must
say that amongst all of the great songs on it, one that stood out is the
Ozric Tentacles' "Sploosh!". I heard someone mention a couple of days
ago that they'd gone down the plug-hole recently. Is this true? I
haven't heard anything else from them, are they worth checking out?
Which album does Sploosh! come from?
-Max Wilcox

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