HW: Technoey-trancey-ambientey sort of stuff

Paul G Ward paul at PCMICRO.COM.AU
Sat Nov 30 09:07:52 EST 1996

On 30 Nov 96 at 11:30, Max Wilcox wrote:

>         After buying a new CD by Kraftwelt, I'm in "that" sort of
>         mood, and am
> of the mind to make a few comments and questions.
>         What do people think of all of the Cleopatra HW related
>         things to come
> out recently? I realy like Anubian Lights and I LOVE Spiral Realms.
> I've never had even the vaguest liking for all of that sort of
> ambient sort of stuff previous to getting a hold on the albums from
> these people and have been, at least partialy, converted to some of
> this  kind of stuff. Admittedly, there's a lot of absolute shite out
> there, but, as I've recently discovered, there's some worthwhile
> things going on.
>         I thing I've noticed is that it seems that much of the realy
>         good
> stuffseems to be coming from people who are established in the music
> industry, but previusly would not be classified as ambient. A good
> example of this  is Psychic TV's Trip Reset.
>         I suspect that this kind of music is actually decended from
> psychedelia, anyway. Giong back to Del's improvisation in Space
> Ritual, one sees some fair similarities.
>         There seems to be a very good amount of SF/space related
>         ambient out
> there, too. Which seems to further validate the space rock/ambient
> connection. Of course there's other influences, a very important one
> occurs to me, though I'm not sure how many people have picked up on
> this, is the influence of Vangelis on this style. To me, he is a
> pioneer of electronic music.
>         Off topic, related to the CD I've just bought, does anyone
>         know is
> Kraftwelt are releted to (or the same as) Kraftwork? I love the
> Kraftwork song on Space Daze, and am thinking of obtaining some more
> of their stuff.
>         Anyway, I'm glaad I got this off my chest. I don't think I
>         could have
> survived the day if I hadn't gotten rid of it.
> -Max Wilcox
"If we knew what we were doing, it would not be called research,
 would it?"                                       - Albert Einstein

Paul Ward,                     R & D Manager, P & C Micro's Pty Ltd
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