OFF:darXtar, Kingston Wall

Carl E. Anderson cea20 at CUS.CAM.AC.UK
Wed Oct 2 08:16:37 EDT 1996

> This is another site of interest...
> ... I don't understand Finnish but it seems to be something like a CD-sto=
> re
> on the net... they have all three Kingston Wall... but I have to wish you
> good luck if you're trying to order without knowing how to read the
> language... it could be good fun though... ;-)

        Well, I may be missing something my not knowing Finnish, but
is that the correct address?  When I went to it I got an odd-looking
page with three lines of Finnish and a strange picture (and no links
from this page to anywhere else ...)


Carl Edlund Anderson                            * "Lever vi inte i ett
cea20 at                             *  fritt land kanske?"    *
Dept. of Anglo-Saxon, Norse & Celtic, Cambridge *  -- Pippi Langstrump

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