HW: ftp-lyrics archives

Daniel Wikdahl mpj95wid at MC.HIK.SE
Tue Oct 8 15:54:02 EDT 1996

At 02:42 PM 10/8/96 +0200, you wrote:
>For a while now I haven't been able to access the Hawkwind lyrics
>ftp-site at
>ftp://ftp.spc.edu/boc-l/hawkwind-lyrics/complete ... What's up? Or is it
>my Netscape...? I need a friend to be able to access them for the
>HW comics project as well........
Strange... I tried it immediately (Jon; spelling?) when your mail popped up
and it works for me...



"Jag har en papegoja -så jag bestämmer" (Rickard Fuchs)

Daniel Wikdahl
Kaptensgatan 2a
S-39 236 KALMAR
0480-245 11

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