BOC: Bolle - stirring up more trouble

Stephen Swann swann at MINDVOX.COM
Wed Oct 16 10:32:05 EDT 1996

Andrew A. Apold writes:
> >>This was from Bolle in a recent message on
> >>
> >>>Further More:  BOC L  Sucks!
> >
> >Don't forget we're "anti-BOC" as well!  :)
> >
> >These messages probably *will* be forwarded back to Bolle as evidence of our
> >"anti-BOC" proclivities, by the way, so I might as well be hung for a sheep as
> >a lamb, and add that _Cult Classic_ was a massive letdown and definitely
> >wasn't worth the asking price.
> >
> >- Andy (tightwad heretic and proud of it)
> Yes, but through it all, remember it's all Steve Swann's fault... <g>

Now wait just a cotton-pickin' minute here!

I take the heat for an awful lot of stuff around this list: everything
from solar eclipses to Craig's age.  Well, you can blame me for a lot
of things - some of them might even be true.  ;-) But I did *not* cause
Bolle, and let that be an end to it!

swann at

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