HW : Hammersmith supports '79, '80

Jon Browne jon at COMICS.DEMON.CO.UK
Fri Oct 18 05:05:00 EDT 1996

In message <UPMAIL01.199610172234120919 at msn.com>, Andrew Gilham
<Andy_Gilham at MSN.COM> writes
>>Dave wore a BOC t-shirt on stage at Hammersmith Odeon in '78 or '79.
>>Either Vardis or Doll-by-Doll were supporting...
>Then it'd have to be '79 (Doll by Doll), 'cause '78 was Patrik FitzGerald, and
>Vardis was '80.  And wasn't it a Mirrors shirt????? - BOC had just played four
>nights at Hammersmith a month or so earlier on that tour.
>DbD had a fight or something, though, and there was a different (better)
>support at Ipswich a couple days later.
>- Andy
I remember DbD and Vardis getting *the* worst treatment I've seen of a
support except Cardiacs doing the Marillion tour, (I hasten to add, I
was there for the Cardiacs.)

Evidently in those days, one showed just how much you loved the Hawks by
telling the support how shit they were and chanting "Hawkwind" all the
way through their set as if that would speed Hawkwind's arrival on stage
or give Dave a warm glow when he saw how dedicated the fans were :)

DbD walked off stage I remember. Vardis, a year later, took even more
abuse but Steve Zodiac got one of the biggest cheers of the night when
he said something like "You can shout all you like, we're not going
fuckin' anywhere. We're not Doll by Doll!"
Jon Browne

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