HW: Space Bandits (was Breast-Jiggling)

Tue Oct 29 01:54:10 EST 1996

On 28-OCT-1996 21:56:24.4 BOC-L said to HERBERT119
   >29 Oct 1996 13:52:34 +1100
   >Date: Tue, 29 Oct 1996 13:52:34 +1100
   >From: Troy Harris <tlh at RUBENS.ITS.UNIMELB.EDU.AU>
   >Subject: Re: HW: Space Bandits (was Breast-Jiggling)
   >In-reply-to: <9610280927.ZM1072 at unknown.zmail.host>
   >Sender: BOC/Hawkwind Discussion List <BOC-L at LISTSERV.SPC.EDU>
   >To: Multiple recipients of list BOC-L <BOC-L at LISTSERV.SPC.EDU>
   >Reply-to: BOC/Hawkwind Discussion List <BOC-L at LISTSERV.SPC.EDU>
   ><Pine.PMDF.3.91.961029134955.539052468A-100000 at rubens.its.unimelb.edu.au
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   >On Mon, 28 Oct 1996, Frank Weil wrote:
   >> Andrew Gilham wrote:
   >> > >        The first concerns the Wishart HW stuff. Which albums is
   >she on? I'm
   >> > >surprised that I haven't heard her at all. What are people's
   >views on > > >her work with them?
   >> >
   >> > Space Bandits (poor) and Palace Springs (really rather good).  But
   >then a gain
   >> > she's only on a couple of tracks on each.
   >> Am I the only one on this list who actually thinks that "Space
   >> Bandits" is good?  I'll admit that the end of the album isn't as
   >> strong as the beginning, but "Images", "Black Elk Speaks", "Wings",
   >> and "Out Of The Shadows" are great.  I would give it at least a (good)
   >> rating.
   >I love Space bandits.  And PS is the best thing IMHO that has been done
   >recently.  I would like to know;
   >a) Where Brigett W. came from

She sang with a band called Hippy Slags before HW. They have a tune ("Cat
Mother") on Traveller's Aid Trust.


`[1;33;40mRainbow V 1.19.4 for Delphi - Test Drive

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