OFF: Re: drugs

Le Monsieur dcapehar at UTDALLAS.EDU
Mon Sep 23 20:19:07 EDT 1996

On Mon, 23 Sep 1996, Jerry wrote:
> >I think it's something like hemp, only not as strong.
> Not as strong? Why would someone smoke something to get high, but which is
> not as strong as hemp? OK, it's legal.
And remember, it's *everywhere*. (Everywhere rural, anyway)

And, like Joseph Brooks just said, it also happens to be quite poisonous.
I guess it's like natural paint cans or something. :)

Actually, from what I remember from that li'l info sheet, most of the time
users make tea out of it.

Damon Capehart        | "As their numbers dwindled from 70 to 8, the
aka Le Monsieur       |  dwarves began to suspect Hungry..."
dcapehar at |

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