OFF: Rush - Test for Echo

John A Swartz jswartz at MBUNIX.MITRE.ORG
Thu Sep 26 14:59:42 EDT 1996

Since BOC-L seems to be mostly discussing off-topic stuff these days, I
figure I can start a new thread...

Has anyone heard Rush's new album, *Test for Echo*?  Very cool stuff -
has a nice edge to it (for Rush), and is much less synth-oriented than
alot of the stuff they put out in the 80s.

On a related note, I recently read a BOC concert review from back around
'76 or '77 -- Rush opened for them.  The reviewer was NOT impressed in the
least with Rush, and predicted that they would soon be a thing of the past.
Almost 20 years later, Rush is still going strong...


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