BOC: Marshall Plan

Andrew A. Apold mordru at MAGG.NET
Thu Apr 24 10:14:39 EDT 1997

>A thought on the Marshall Plan.  That is hands down, my favorite song to play
>during the day of a BOC show.  CE has a fantasy feel to it, something you can
>get lost in and Marshall Plan fits in that mold.

I thought the opposite, that it clashed with the rest of CE. The other songs
on the album are of bizarre, distant emotions, whereas TMP seems down to earth.
To try an make it fit the mold, I try to imagine Imaginos later taking revenge
on Johnny (because of Suzy...)
Andrew A. Apold (mordru at, aka  |
Roger Shrubstaff, Guildmaster of Reeves |
Barony of Silverwater (BL), Amtgard     |
aka Asgrim Dragon -=UDIC=-              |
 "I was corrupt before I had power!" - Random

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