BOC: KBFH another vote for the Stars / Savatage

BREVARD, Adrian R. abrevard at SHL.COM
Tue Dec 2 12:50:32 EST 1997

JS>What, are you longing for the "good old days"?  You're not just an
fart, you're a "BOC-L old fart" ;-)    LMAO.

Howls.  Good old days sound fine except no more "concert ettiqutte" from

JS>Seriously, this is a rather interesting topic that has lots of

Yeah its nice to see so many people with such diversity of opinion
chiming in on mostly topical stuff.  Sure the volume is heavy (digest
mode anyone?) but at least its topical and fun.


JS>PS:  On a somewhat related note, have you heard about Savatage's
upcoming release (it's out in Europe and Japan) - *The Wake of
Magellan*?  It's
another concept album, and I've heard musically it's in the same vein as
*Dead Winter Dead*.  Might be another CD I have to buy in January...

Yeah this crushes me.  I have no luck at all and "Lucky" was my
fraternity nickname in college.  Wake has been out in Japan and Europe
for a while.  Not sure when Wake is going to be released over here
though but it might be late spring or early summer.  You can get a copy
from Dream Disc for about $30.  Have you seen their latest catolog?
Great choices and nice artwork, no longer Xeroxed pages stapled in the
middle.  Anyhow the no luck comes from Savatage playing only three warm
up shows in the US before heading to Europe.  The last one was here at
Jaxx my favorite dive.  Spent that weekend sick as a dog and couldn't
make it.

BTW Dream Disc is still reporting that they will have a website up soon,
address is  I haven't tried it yet.  Anyone interested in
progressive metal and some of Europe's finest bands may want to get on
their mailing list.  Their prices are pretty good and they have flat
$5.00 mialing fee no matter how many cd's you order.  Hey Al they aren't
listing anymore tBS stuff, how come?

Final DD note, Y&T's latest Endangered Speicies can be had for $20,
classic Y&T albums Japan version for $24.  Did you ever get a copy of
Musically Incorrect?  Man I love that one, dosen't sound much like old
Y&T, probably their best ever.

lil' ab

"Isn't sanity just a one trick pony anyway?  I mean all you get is one
trick, rational thinking.  But when your good and crazy the sky's the
limit."  -The Tick

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