OFF: Gigs to be rated?

Damon C Capehart monsieur at MYMAIL.NET
Wed Dec 17 19:33:26 EST 1997

Theo wrote:
>Damon wrote:
>> "Those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a snare and
>> many foolish and harmful desires which plunge men into ruin and
>> destruction.  For THE LOVE OF MONEY IS A ROOT OF ALL
>> SORTS OF EVIL, and some by longing for it have wandered away
>> from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs."  - 1st
>> Timothy 6:9-10 (New Amer. Standard, emphasis mine).
>If this is so, then why do the pope, Pat Robertson, Billy Graham,
>etc., etc. live like kings, while Christ said to sell all one's
>possessions and give the money to the poor?

I don't know... perhaps because part of human nature is to occasionally (or
perpetually) do the opposite of what we should know is right?  Because most
of us have trouble seeing beyond the immediate?  The possible answers are

As far as I'm concerned, if God (or whoever) decides to take everything I
own from me, I'll survive with Eternity in mind.  Yeah, I'll be upset at
first, but hey, it's just STUFF.  And that's quite the point of all of this
hubbub.  Life is here for a few decades, and then *poof*, it's gone, and
what do you get to take with you?  Nothing but a nekkid soul.

Well, my fiancee just got here.   Gotta go!

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