BOC: Word on new album deal

John A Swartz jswartz at MBUNIX.MITRE.ORG
Tue Dec 23 08:08:09 EST 1997

The following is what was recently posted by the band to the AOL BOC
board.  Given the band's relative quietness about the album over the
past few months, I'm rather hopeful that a new album will soon be out:

On Thursday the 18th of December we officially signed a record contract with
CMC International Records who will release our new album
in the U.S., Canada , South America and parts of the far east.  The rest of
the world will have the album from SPV Records in Germany. Considering the
amount of time in the recording process , things change....the title is not "
Ezekiel's Wheel" which was the working title in 1996. Stay tuned for the real
title which will be decided on shortly.  As far as I know from discussions
with CMC Records, they hope to release the album in March.

By the way, CMC Records has a website, so I'll keep checking up on it to
see if they make mention of BOC.  I suspect that they might not have
anything up until the album is almost out though.


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