Rush fans on BOC-L

Jon Browne jon at COMICS.DEMON.CO.UK
Wed Feb 5 04:43:19 EST 1997

In message <199702050026.TAA29498 at>, John Majka
<flossbac at WCIC.ORG> writes
> Guided By
>Voices, Cocteau Twins, Thin White Rope, Pale Saints, Flying Saucer Attack,
>Dinosaur Jr., the Cure, Smiths, Morrissey, Nirvana, Sonic Youth, Husker Du,
>Naked Raygun, Current 93, Smashing Pumpkins, Stereolab, R.E.M., Lush, Swans,
>Superchunk, Throwing Muses, His Name Is Alive etc.

All these bands are 10 plus years old (apart from FSA). They're all
great (apart from Morrisey who stinks) but in their way as time-locked
as anyone else.  I saw the Cure at the Marquee in 1979, fer chrissakes!
Howcum you're not listening to Orbital. Prodigy, Leftfield, Black Grape,
Red Snapper, Underworld, FSOL, Coldcut, Goldie or LTJ Bukem or Placebo
all of whom are a couple of years old themselves and are in fact really
obvious . And I don't see any Detroit Techno there, either :-P

Sorry for rising to the bait, everyone, I couldn't resist it.

Jon Browne
ObCD - The Orb - Toxygene, then I'm afraid it's Pebbles Vol.4 "Various Hodads -
Rare 60's Surf / Rod Classics

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