HW: Xenon Codex, Alien 4 etc.

Carl E. Anderson cea20 at CUS.CAM.AC.UK
Wed Feb 12 07:05:04 EST 1997

> You know, one of my favorite things about Alien 4 is the harmonizer on the
> vocals at the end of "Are You Losing Your Mind?"  It's really quite demented
> sounding!

        Yeah, I liked that too!  There may be a certain cloud of retread
and writing credit issues over some of that stuff, but I think it sounds
great--which tends to be my bottom line.


Carl Edlund Anderson                            * "Lever vi inte i ett
cea20 at cus.cam.ac.uk                             *  fritt land kanske?"
http://wjh-www.harvard.edu/~canders/hem.html    *
Dept. of Anglo-Saxon, Norse & Celtic, Cambridge *  -- Pippi Langstrump

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