OFF: RIP UWP lyrics archive

Tue Jan 7 07:55:55 EST 1997

Cliff & Pam Wheaton wrote:
> William Fuller wrote:
> >
> > On Mon, 6 Jan 1997, Stephen Swann wrote:
> >
> > > I always knew this would happen if the Internet 'went popular'.
> > > We gained a lot, we lost a lot...  I'm not at all sure whether we made
> > > out in the bargain.
> >
> > I knew this would happen, too. Clearly, we lost far more than we gained.
> Hi- had to throw in on this one too!
> I disagree! I have found more info about some very great bands here. I
> would have never even known about Hawkwind, Dream Theater & a few other
> bands, as well as the fact that I've found some really cool folx to talk
> about things like this with. As far as my Humble opinion goes, I thik
> it's made our world smaller, as well as made us as a community rather
> than an island!
> Keep rockin'
> Pam

im wishy-washy. i agree with both points. the growth of the internet has
many people to toe the line,where before it was all just raw truth or
i think it is too easy for uneducated or inexperienced people to get in
muck everything up.and now theres net-tv.....whoopee!
i think children should be kept in confined areas like aol,and that aol
and compuserve
and similar should join together to make a larger playground for the
i also think that net use should be like a school,that you have to go
different levels of use,graduating to each new level.
there seems to be a LOT of hatred and intolerance on the net.
in michael crichton's sequel to jurassic park, "the lost world",the
malcolm (jeff goldblum),puts forth the idea that the internet has
halted the evolution of man,by stifling or eliminating the need to learn
otherwise go out and about.
i dunno....
in anything, you always have the "first-born",who never stop complaining
about the
newcomers.and they are right,for the most part. but everybody was a
newbie at somepoint,
and the firstborn were such by sheerest chance,and really should
consider themselves
lucky that they had the opportunity.

whatever....           rj

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