HW: Anthology booklet ready, also SunDial info

cjohnson cjohnson at HPSC.HISD.HARRIS.COM
Sat Jan 25 22:26:56 EST 1997

       Well, my "short" project is finally over (two months later :^( ).
       I have finally finished with scanning and proofing the text to the
       Hawkwind Anthology booklet "The Approved History of Hawkwind 1967
       - 1982".  This came in a Xmas box set (in 1986 I think) called the
       "Official Hawkwind Picture Logbook".  I am now letting listmembers
       know that copies are available.

       I believe that Sonique will shortly have copies available for FTP
       and WWW access from his comprehensive web site.  This will probably
       be the easiest way to get a copy.  I will also be able to Email
       copies to individuals who request one.

       It is available as an ASCII text file, as a ZIPped ASCII text file,
       and as a WordPerfect5.2 ".doc" file.  If you want me to email one
       to you, you *must* be able to receive UUENCODEd attachments on your
       incoming email.  And be sure to include your return address in the
       body of your requesting email, in case my mail reader "loses" it...

       This booklet expanded into almost 25-pgs of 10-pt type, which is
       what made the editing take so long to complete.  %^/  Be careful to
       re-fill your paper tray should you decided to actually print your
       own copy.  Which may be a copyright violation.

       <additional non-HW content>
       I came across an excellent deal that I want to share.  The first
       album by the UK psych group SunDial was called "Other Way Out", and
       has been out of print for a couple of years.  Just recently this
       was re-issued by a fellow in Indianapolis, with a couple of added
       tracks.  Also re-issued was a release from Modern Art, a
       fore-runner band to SunDial.

       Best of all, both CDs were only $10 each!!!  Last month I'd have
       paid $25 for a copy of OWO if I could have found one!

       For info on getting the HW Anthology file, or ordering info for the
       US release of SunDial, drop me an 'E at:

       Captain Cloud
       cjohnson at hpsc.hisd.harris.com

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