HW:benifit for Richard

Scott Heller (617) 724-7762 HELLERS at A1.MGH.HARVARD.EDU
Mon Jan 27 15:12:00 EST 1997


               Chris Bruce is trying to put together some benifit gigs for
          Richard Chadwick's girlfriend. They are going tos et up a trust
          in a local bank here in boston and are trying to find some bands
          to play. They have lined up David Peel for a show on the lower
          east side in NYC and one here in Boston. If you know any bands in
          your area who might be willing to do this for a member of HW,
          please give Chris Bruce a call at:  617-547-9633.

          If you are just catching up with us, Richard's girlfriend is in
          desperate need of dialysis and they are trying to raise some
          money. If you can help, please contact Chris Bruce.


          ObCs- Alrune Rod- Alrune Rod (1969)

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